Legal notice.

The use of this website attributes to you the status of user and implies full and unconditional acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this posting, so if you disagree with any of the conditions here established, should not use/access this site.

[1] CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE WEB [1.1] Visitors to this website are considered users of the same, who will find in it information related to the type of activity, products and services we provide. [1.2] The information and materials included in the web have been obtained from sources considered reliable. However, despite taking reasonable precautions and to ensure the reliability of information means, no guarantee that it is accurate, complete, and / or updated. Consequently we disclaim any responsibility for the omission of information or the publication of erroneous information published on this website. [1.3] The information displayed and / or provided by this website should be regarded, by the user, general information, without implying that such information can be estimated as crucial for decision making by the user element of the web , so disclaim all responsibility for the lack of verification of it, and specifically understood that such information, subject to the regulations in force in Spain, not intended for those users who act under other jurisdictions of States requiring compliance with other requirements for the provision, dissemination or advertising of services related to activities and / or services advertised on the web. [1.4] As providers of the information society, we reserve the right to update, modify or eliminate the information contained on this website, to limit or deny access to such information without notice. Especially, we reserve the right to remove, limit or prevent access to the web when technical difficulties arise from events or circumstances beyond our control that, in our opinion, compromise or remove the standard levels of security adopted for the proper functioning of the web arise. [1.5] As providers, we may at any time establish legal technical procedures to collect anonymous information about your visitors, which would mean, in any case, such information could not be associated in any way to a specific user. Such procedures retain data such as the domain name of the provider that gives access to the network to the user, the date and time you access our site, the Internet address from which it departed on the link or link to our website, the number of daily visitors to each section, and data of a similar nature. The end of the data and information collected is statistical, so that allows us to acquire more knowledge about the activity of visitors to the web, in order to improve yourself and / or increase their online presence. [1.6] users at any time, could clear procedures for obtaining information referred to in the previous exhibition point by changing the settings of your browser. Notwithstanding the foregoing, disabling alluded to here does not affect or interfere with the navigability of the users in our web. [1.7] The user expressly and unequivocally authorize us to collect and process the information generated as a result of using this site, with the sole purpose of offering a more personalized and efficient navigation.

[2] RESPONSIBILITIES [2.1] As providers disclaim any responsibility for the information displayed on this website, from outside sources and contents that we have not made. [2.2] The purpose of the links (links) displayed on this website is solely to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the Internet where you can expand the information provided on this website. Therefore, we will not be, in any case, responsible for the results obtained from said links or links. [2.3] In no event will we be liable for any loss, damage or injury of any kind arising from access and / or use of this site, including those caused computer systems or those caused by viruses or activities illicit hackers (hackers). We also not be responsible for the damages caused to users by improper use of this website and in any way for breakdowns, interruptions, absence or failure of telecommunications. [2.4] As providers, we are not responsible in any way for any discrepancies that may arise between the version of its printed documents and the electronic version of the same published on its website or electronically obtained from this website.

[3] POLICY OF PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA [3.1] As providers, we guarantee the protection of customer data and users. This website does not automatically recognize any information regarding the identity of visitors to its pages. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in online services, in order to ensure the security and confidentiality, prior identification and authentication of the user on the system will be necessary, through the application passwords. In those cases in which the user requests information about services or products or wishes to make the processing of claims or incidents, through the submission of forms on Web pages, shall in all cases to gather those personal details as appropriate in order to inform your request. [3.2] As providers of the information society and responsible for personal data files, inform users of this website that all personal data will be treated confidentially, being used for the purposes that they have been requested under Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the protection of personal data (LOPD), Law 34/2002, of July 11, services of the information society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) and other legal regulations. [3.3] As controllers of files of personal data, we are those who assume the responsibility for adopting security measures technical and organizational measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of information in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD, LSSI -CE, and other applicable legislation. [3.4] The user, in any case, the veracity of the information provided, so we reserve the right to deny service to any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to other actions that proceed according to law. [3.5] Any registered user may exercise their rights of access, rectification, opposition and cancellation of their personal data in respect of their personal data in the terms provided in the Act, provided through this website, by written communication, accompanied a copy of the identity card, addressed to the entity responsible for the file that contains the personal data, whose address is listed at the end of this disclaimer.

[4] INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY [4.1] The whole of this website (text, images, marks, logos, audio files, software files, color combinations, etc.) as well as the structure of their contents, are protected by the rules of Intellectual Property can not be subject to exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, public communication, transformation or any other dissemination not expressly authorized by us, as providers and holders of intellectual property rights. Therefore, access to this website does not grant users any right or ownership of any intellectual property rights and / or industrial property of the contents of this website. [4.2] As holders of the intellectual rights of this site, we reserve the right to take legal actions against users who violate or infringe intellectual property rights and / or industrial.

[5] LAW AND JURISDICTION [5.1] These general conditions are governed by Spanish law alluded to above or otherwise explicitly stated but not mandatory. Therefore, the user of this website expressly disclaims any jurisdiction that corresponds, subject to the Courts of the City of Barcelona.

[6] CONTACT AND EXERCISE OF RIGHTS [6.1] for the purposes of communication and exercise of rights contact: